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Project PI, as named by its creator Pinkie Pie, was the ultimate in fool-proof plans to woo a certain lavender alicorn. Unfortunately for Rainbow, the mare for whom the plan was made, it was a plan made by Pinkie Pie. Which means nothing is as it seems, and it involves chocolate pudding.

A lot of chocolate pudding.

Cover art generously provided by Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her out!

(Takes place between season 4 and 5)

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Rainbow Dash have both been set up on blind dates by their friends. What could go wrong? What might go right?

My entry for this competition

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I Chose You

Trust is a funny thing.

Why hadn't she trusted her parents? Her brother? Her sister-in-law?

Why was she so afraid to tell them the truth?

Why couldn't she just tell them that she loved mares? Loved Rainbow Dash?

Fear is a funny thing.

Edited by the incomparable Noble Thought.

Cover art: Entwined by NyuuChanDianePie.

One hundred percent approved by Twilight's Library.

Chapters (1)

A week ago, love was in bloom. Cadance, the Princess of Love and Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard defeated and banished an invading army with the power of their love alone.

So why can't their sister start a conversation with her marefriend? They're already dating, for pony's sake! Maybe they just don't know each other well enough yet...

Cover art and proofreading done by the incomparable Noble Thought. Thank you for the help, my friend. Check out their blogs on writing. You'll learn something.

One hundred percent approved by Twilight's Library.

Accepted into the Royal Guard.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, fast, cool, awesome. These words and more can be used the describe the pegasus mare. But when feeling begin bubbling to the surface, feelings that, if she lets out, could risk that which she holds dear, is she willing to try and get the reward?

Originally written as a short prompt for my other story, "Rainboom and Romance", it became much longer than I originally expected, so I decided to make it it's own story.

(Also, with this story I hit 10 stories released on the site)

Chapters (1)

Twilight invites Rainbow over for an interview for a book she wants to write. Things don't go the direction that Rainbow expects them to.

Cover by OZE-JP

Chapters (1)

A few month ago, Rainbow Dash found Twilight stargazing up on the balcony of Golden Oaks library. Ever since then she's come back, every night, and listened to Twilight's lectures on everything astronomy.

Twilight never found out why Rainbow came to the library that first night, but when she makes an unusual request one night, she discovers more than she thought she would about her pegasus friend.

New cover art generously provided by Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her stuff out.

Chapters (1)

After Rainbow drops an offhoof comment about never dating, Pinkie decides to set her up on a date. A blind date.

Edited by: Lambent Dream

Chapters (2)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has been busy, what with dealing with supposedly reformed draconequui, restoring the ancient castle in the Everfree Forest, and making time helping the Cutie Mark Crusaders learn new skills. So when she finally gets a chance to relax, she decides to engage in her favorite pastime.


Which would be a lot easier if Rainbow Dash didn't keep showing up and sitting on her. Or near her. And now she's so busy trying to figure out what her friend is up to, that she's losing out on precious reading time!

Will Twilight ever get to finish her book? Is Rainbow Dash pulling off the most elaborate prank in Ponyville history? Will there be a surprise guest appearance by David Pownie? Regrettably the answer to the last question is no, but find out the in the thrilling story: An Inconvenient Dash!

I saw the image used for the cover art and this story just kinda creeped into my head, and refused to leave. But hey, more Twidash is always a good thing right?

The image for the cover art belongs to Strange Danger, at least according to the watermark and derpibooru tag.

New Patch 1.2
Harmony numbers have been increased 20% across all classes.
Grammar corrections provided by the wonderful Applejack-fan.
Twicon Panic Levels have been fixed to be brought in line with current Defcon numbers.
Bug fixes for the Dragonshy raid have been deployed.
New World Event: Discord's Disco Disaster- Discord is up to his old tricks, turning Ponyville and all its inhabitants into 70's disco versions of themselves. Boogie down with your favorite mare or stallion, compete in special dance themed quests, and earn the special seasonal item -Bell-bottom Bogey Pants +5-!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has challenged Twilight to a drinking contest on Casks and Clovers Day. Cute Twidash follows.

This is a short side-story to my good friend Surry's story, Princess Luna's Far-Out Casks And Clovers Day. I wrote this with explicit permission from him.

...I swear, writing descriptions is harder than writing the actual story!

Chapters (1)